How to Become a SHEDA Member?

One can apply to become a member by filling in the Membership Application form. Upon receipt of the application form from applicant, the Secretariat Office will verify all the information submitted before sending it to the respective Branch for vetting and recommendation. Thereafter, the application will be submitted to the Secretary General’s office for approval. On approval by the Secretary General, the application will be tabled for the State Council’s sanction. The applicant will be informed once the application has been approved. A Membership Certificate and an Approval Letter signed by the President and the Secretary General will be issued to the successful applicant.

Entrance Fees, Subscription and Other Dues

A person, company, firm or corporation wishing to join the Association shall submit its payment for Primary Membership to the Treasurer-General directly or through the relevant Branch. Where submitted in the form of a cheque, the cheque shall be made payable to the Association.

Entrance Fee Subscription Fee
Ordinary Member RM 3,000.00 RM 1,200.00
Affiliated Member RM 1,000.00 RM 800.00
Associate Member RM 1,000.00 RM 800.00
Secondary Member NIL RM 250.00
Membership Information
Ordinary Membership
  • Any person, company firm or corporation that carries on the business of developing houses and properties for sale lease or otherwise (“housing and property development’) and undertakes such development within (5) years of Membership entry is eligible to apply for Ordinary Membership of the Association which unlimited in number.
  • An Ordinary Member must be domiciled in Sarawak, having a place of business in Sarawak.
  • An Ordinary Member shall be entitled to all the privileges of Membership including the right to be nominated, vote to hold office in the State Council or the Branch Committee.
Affiliated Membership
  • A subsidiary company of an Ordinary Member which core business is housing and property development is eligible for Affiliated Membership of the Association.
  • An Affiliated Member must be domiciled in Sarawak, having a registered place of business in Sarawak.
  • An Affiliated Member shall be entitled to all the privileges of Ordinary Membership but shall not have the right to vote or to hold office.
Associate Membership
  • Any person, company, firm or corporation that carries on a business that is related to the business of housing and property development is eligible for Associate Membership of the Association.
  • An Associate Member must be domiciled in Sarawak, having a registered Place of Business in Sarawak.
  • An Associate Member Shall be entitled to all the privileges of Ordinary Membership but shall not have the right to vote or to hold office.
Honorary Membership
  • The State Council may confer Honorary Membership on any individual of it considers such action is the best interest of that Association and/or the housing property and real estate development and related industries.
  • Honorary Membership shall normally be granted for a period of one (1) year and the list of Honorary Members shall be reviewed each year by the State Council in office, who may either renew the Honorary Membership of allow it to lapse.
  • Honorary Membership being personal to the holder shall not be transferable or assignable.
  • An Honorary Member shall be entitled to all the privileges of Ordinary Membership but shall not have the right to vote or to hold office.